Idea: Improve Legal Materials of the Carmel Clay Public Library (CCPL)

I believe the legal section of the Carmel Clay Public Library (CCPL) could be better. In fact, I think it could be much better. If elected, I would work with CCPL, members of the community and the bar to make sure that it is meeting the growing and diverse needs of the citizens of Carmel. To the extent possible, I would take ownership of this component of the library and make it an extension of the Court. It is very common for courts to facilitate basic access to legal reference materials. Although a lot of good information can be found on the internet, I still think the library can be a valuable resource for many people. When it comes to legal matters – I would want the people of Carmel to know that they can count on the library to be a good starting source for information. This will allow them to make more informed decisions and be better prepared if and when they speak to an attorney.
Although my primary focus would be on reference materials, I would also ensure the library was well stocked with non-reference legal materials such as novels by John Grisham. This also has the potential for reading clubs and speakers on legal matters.

Reader Comments (1)
godss-well to-All things in their being are good for something.-UGG Slippers for less