Crashed While Texting

Title: Crashed While Texting
Synopsis: Anthony is driving while texting and gets in a crash because he is not paying attention. Cory explains why it is important for people to wait to text or call.
Team Members: Anthony R Gatte and Cory Rapala
School: Clay Middle School
Voting is now closed -- this submission received 8 votes!

Comments from Our Judges
- David Cain, President, Mediasauce
- James Leagre, Executive Director Children's Theatre Institute
- Todd Muffley, Fat Atom Internet Marketing
- Matt Nagle, IU Public Policy Institute
Comments from Cain: This is fun to watch. Sometimes the most simplistic style is the best. This piece will make you smile. Great effort!
Comments from Leagre:
- Nice opening set up shot
- The superimposed person driving over moving background gave an ethereal sense
- Liked the touch of having his knees both up…
- Sound was very good – traffic in stereo gave good sense of movement
- Liked the final comment of a text is not live changed but driving while texting is.
Comments from Nagle: Two things that make this PSA good. First, the ending message “A text is not life changing, but sending a text message while driving is” is succinct and effective at communicating the seriousness of the issue. Many of the best professionally produced PSAs on distracted driving take a similar approach with memorable messages. Second, while maybe not intentional, the production technique of super-imposing the driver/vehicle over a moving background brings home an essential element of distracted driving – that the driver is “disconnected” from the driving environment with his or her brain being off in another world of a conversation. This is a crucial element of the issue, and this technique is a good way of communicating it.
Comments from Todd Muffley: Like the way they used the green screen technology, good effort for a couple of young guys!