Distractions (Winning Entry)

Title: Distractions
Synopsis: You wouldn't do all those other things - why would you text and drive?
Team Members: Kylee Wall, Katie Toomey, Aaron Whiteford, and Jason Howe.
School: Other
Voting is now closed -- this submission received 94 votes!

Comments from Our Judges
- David Cain, President, Mediasauce
- James Leagre, Executive Director Children's Theatre Institute
- Todd Muffley, Fat Atom Internet Marketing
- Matt Nagle, IU Public Policy Institute
Comments from Cain: Brilliant concept. It’s fun to watch and makes the point with the exaggerated examples. You can see too that the team enjoyed making it too, adding to the viewer’s enjoyment.
Comments from Leagre:
- Music fit perfectly with the tone and action of the film
- Absolutely hysterical starting with washing hair and then followed by the building inane distractions
- Cuts back and forth between driver and vehicle fit together wonderfully
- Quick shots/cuts leading into the screeching end were right on the money
- Simple story yet enticing and entertaining and simplicity of the final title was perfect for the piece
Comments from Nagle: Very good use of humor but more importantly the PSA tied different types of distractions together, making the excellent point that many actions that would be absurd to do while driving. As with the other PSAs, there should be a fundamental understanding that texting while driving is just one of a wide array of actions and behaviors that takes the driver’s mind off of the road. A crucial step in combating texting while driving is attaching the stigma to the action itself, so that people are not distinguishing between behaviors that creating dangers on the road.
Comments from Todd Muffley: Smart, clever, to the point, great video quality...short enough to watch, long enough to hammer it home....Just really good!