The Driver

Title: The Driver
Synopsis: This video is in movie preview format and is about showing the dangers if texting and driving. She ends up learning a lesson about distracted driving and is shown with a texting band at the end to show she has changed.
Team Members: Amanda Nahmias
School: Creekside Middle School
Voting is now closed -- this submission received 78 votes!

Comments from Our Judges
- David Cain, President, Mediasauce
- James Leagre, Executive Director Children's Theatre Institute
- Todd Muffley, Fat Atom Internet Marketing
- Matt Nagle, IU Public Policy Institute
Comments from Cain: Wonderful idea, very creative. Really applaud the idea of the preview concept. Very inviting and creatively a stellar piece.
Comments from Leagre:
- Format was great. I loved the choice of making it a trailer – perfect way to lead people to want to find out more about the dangers of texting
- Great cuts back and forth between titles and footage
- Great simple information line – focused specifically on texting, yet there was a nice build of anticipation as to how the trailer would end.
Comments from Nagle: This PSA was very clever in providing information in a non-traditional format, one that used a medium of entertainment to convey a very serious message in a semi-lighthearted way. Two elements in particular make this piece a great one: (1) incorporation of the health impacts (visuals of the ambulance, hospital, and injuries); and (2) noting that it is not only *sending* text messages that is dangerous, but also *reading* one received as well.
Comments from Todd Muffley: Like the use of text narration, good communication of message.